There are estimated to be 1 million uninsured drivers in the UK.
If you have been injured by an uninsured motorist there is a way out. The cost of virtually all of the damage together with compensation for injuries can be recovered.
An organisation called the Motor Insurers Bureau or “MIB” exists to provide a safety net for innocent victims of identified, uninsured drivers. The funds come from a levy charged on insurers and so come from the premiums of every insured driver.
The MIB aim to compensate those hit by uninsured drivers fairly and promptly.
All claims have to made in accordance with the terms of an agreement made between the MIB and HM Government. It is important that if you find yourself in this position that you act quickly. First, report the accident immediately to your own insurers and to the police.
There are a series of other matters which must be attended to under the MIB agreement which are beyond the scope of this blog.
If you would like to know where you stand please ring us on 0800 024 1400 for a no obligation FREE chat without delay. We can help. Call.
We have different funding options available. Most of our farm accident claims are handled on a no win, no fee basis.